The Fellowship of Christian Puppeteers is not-for-profit organization powered by many dedicated volunteers who lovingly offer their time and expertise to support our organization and members.
Kristofer Sommerfeld is a respected puppeteer and puppet builder in the field of Christian Puppetry and teaches at international, national and regional conferences as well as “one-on-one – team training” for churches and ministries.
He is a master puppeteer as well as an advanced puppet designer/builder. He has been involved in puppetry, creative arts and children’s ministries for most of his life. His ministry experience began with kids camps, children’s church, school clubs, and YMCA preschool clubs.
His ultimate passion is for people to know the true Heart of God and His love for them. He loves to see God do the “impossible” and bring complete healing to people – body, soul and spirit – through Christ’s finished work on the cross and His resurrection.
Kristofer is currently serving as the President of the Fellowship of Christian Puppeteers organization and the Director of Evergreen Creative Ministries™.
Patsy has been been a member since 1988 and has been working with and making puppets for 25 years. She has been teaching children's church for 45 years.
She has been on two mission trips to Honduras where she taught how to make and manipulate puppets. She also has puppets in Ecuador, Philippines, and China.
Patsy has been involved in FCP for 20+ years where she has served as secretary and registrar. She is currently serving as the secretary of FCP and is excited about the future of the organization.
Past President
Bill Scott, a retired pastor from southeastern Pennsylvania, has had a life-long interest in puppetry, integrating into many aspects of his ministry. In addition to his own pastoral work, he has led workshops and worked with local congregations, Sunday School associations, and Christian schools to equip others to use puppets in classrooms, children’s ministry, outreach, and short-term mission projects.
A member of FCP since 1977, he has served several times as an officer, conference director, conference chaplain, resource consultant and assisting the organization in many other ways.
Bill is also involved with the Puppeteers of America and the Greater Philadelphia Area Puppetry Guild. Currently, he serves as the Religion Consultant and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Director for the Puppeteers of America.
Vice President
Peter has been involved in puppet ministry and live theater for 40 years and very actively involved in ministry the last 15. He and his wife Laura are both puppeteers and served on a puppet ministry alongside their 3 (now grown!) children.
Peter is fond of alternative puppetry styles and has led workshops on shadow puppets, bunraku and beyond. He hopes to help FCP continue to grow and feels blessed to have this opportunity to serve as Vice President after years of attending National Conference and volunteering with the organization.
Peter lives in Colorado with his wife and has welcomed his first grandchild.
Linda and her husband, Ray, directed the puppet ministry, “Patchwork” for over 35 years. They used puppets, props, blacklight and human visualizations to present the Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ in a variety of settings.
Linda enjoys directing the choir in their Church, teaching the teen Sunday School Class, directing the next generation of of her ministry team-Patchwork Gen2, and singing on the Worship team.
She is a RN, retired as a System Director of Education/School of Nursing in Elmira, NY. She has presented programs on “Humor” for various Health Care facilities, ladies conferences, businesses and community organizations. She enjoys sparkling her world with Joy and Purple.